Tuesday 3 March 2015

Jpg vs RAW

Yesterday evening the club enjoyed a talk by our own club member Dennis Flynn on the pros and cons of jpg and RAW.

During his talk he was able to give a practical demonstration on the differences in the way Adobe Lightroom processes images between its 2010 and 2012 setting with some apparent clipping taking place in the latter. I am sure this has given some people food for thought and has certainly got me planning to run some tests on images of my own.

Coincidentally I had been chatting with a friend that same day regarding colour perception. Dennis displayed an image on the same lines. The one I was talking about was:-

The question is "which square is darker?".

a) A
b) B
c) they are both the same,

The correct answer is c). Feel free to check this out. I have done so several ways and they are indeed the same colour.

1 comment:

  1. Stepehn
    That is an excellent example of how Luminance Contrast can seriously play tricks on what you perceive as tonal values...Even when you show people how B is the same tone as A they don't believe it and ask to see it again, At least it is better than the Dress for testing visual perception!
